Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Side Effects of the Drug Psilocybin Essay example -- Drugs Medicine He

Side Effects of the Drug Psilocybin There book been many experiments and in-person testimonies documenting the side effect behavior changes and effects account by users of the drug Psilocybin from ancient history until more groundbreaking times. For instance, the Aztecs believed that they were capable of moving back and forth between the earthly and unearthly realms (Schwartz 1988). This travel between realms was often associated with hallucinatory trances guided by their paragon for the entheogens-the Prince of Flowers. The Aztecs called this ritual the flowery dream this was induced by sacred mushrooms (Erowid). The motion towards experimenting with Psilocybin to determine its effects on the body started in the azoic 1960s with prominent psychologists like Timothy Leary and Albert Hofmann taking Psilocybin themselves and reporting their experiences (Levitt 1975 270). Later, in that location were more controlled double-blind studies performed with conventions of subj ects where the drug is administered and neither the subjects nor the experimenter know which group is receiving the drug and which group is receiving the placebo. It is much easier in these types of experiments to control for extraneous variables and to find a considerably operational measure for the subjects reactions to Psilocybin. However, since the experiences describe by most users of Psilocybin be within a narrow radius of variation, it is possible to utilize individuals personal experiences of Psilocybin as long as they are comparable to the experiences reported by the majority of the Psilocybin users in other experiments. In general, some(prenominal) psilocybin and psilocybin produce yawning, inability to concentrate, r... ...ashington, D.C. Hemisphere Publishing Corporation.McKenna, T. (1991). The crude revival. San Francisco Harper San Francisco. McKenna, T., & McKenna, D. (1999). The invisible landscape Mind, hallucinogens, and the I Ching. San Francisco Harpe r San Francisco. Schwartz, Richart H. and Smith, Deborah. Hallucinogenic Mushrooms. clinical Pediatrics 27. 70-73 (1988). The Vault of Erowid Sacred mushrooms. Retrieved from (21 February 2005).Weil, A. (1980). The marriage of the sun and moon A quest for unity in consciousness. Boston Houghton Mifflin Company.Wezelman, R. & Bierman, D.J. (1997). Process Oriented Ganzfeld inquiry in Amsterdam The effects of THC and Psilocybin on telegnostic phenomena. Retrieved from http// (28 February 2005).

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