Saturday, February 9, 2019
Macbeth: Power Is The Paradox :: essays research papers
Macbeth Power Is The Paradox     the great unwashed have a hard time getting what they want in fact, the things theywant can be incompatible with each other. In Shakespeares Macbeth, the fighter is lured to murder the king, Duncan, by the desire for power, anappetite honed by witchs prophecies and his wifes encouragement. But when hereaches the kingship, he finds himself insecure. He attempts to remove threatsthat decrease his security, including his companion Banquo and his son Fleance,predicted to be king. His lords grow angry and revolt successfully, afterwitches lure Macbeth into a sullen sense of security by further foretelling. InMacbeth, we see that, despite appearances of contradiction, mans goals ofcomfort and power are forever opposed in increment, though the two may declinetogether.     The power from knowledge causes discomfort. As oftentimes has been utter,ignorance is bliss. After Macbeth is promised the throne, Banquo asks w hyMacbeth is less than ecstatic. "Good sir, why do you start, and expect to fear /Things that do sound so fair?" (Act I, cyclorama 3) Macbeths mod knowledge makeshim uncomfortable, as he realizes the implications. His first thoughtsconsidering murdering Duncan appear, and he is scared. After he commits themurder, Macbeth says, "To know my deed, twere best not know myself." (Act II,Scene 2) Knowing that has connected such a vile act makes him uncomfortable. Itwill be fractious to act innocent and to deal with his guilt. When he laterdecides to murder Banquo and Fleance, he tells his wife, "Be innocent of theknowledge, dearest chuck, / Till thou applaud the deed." (Act III, Scene 2)Hecate sets Macbeth up for his final fall. The security provided by the secondset of predictions is yet short-lived. Feeling there is no threat to his power,Macbeth acts wildly, bringing his downfall and injury of both comfort and security.The problem with knowledge was that i t was power resulting in a decline incomfort.     Those most comfortable have the least power. The usance of securityprevents strength. The Porter delivers an ironic speech on the evils of tope,explaining, "Lechery, sir, it provokes and unprovokes it provokes the desire,but it takes apart the performance therefore much drink may be said to be anequivocator with lechery it makes him, and it mars him it sets him on, and ittakes him off it persuades him and disheartens him makes him bag to and notstand to in conclusion, equivocates him in a sleep, and giving him the lie,leaves him." (Act II, Scene 3) While drink may cause comfort, this is
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